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...l existing kinds of yoga. The most popular form of yoga in the western world in known as Hatha yoga and when people mention yoga, this is usually what they are referring to.It was the Yogi Swami Swatmarama who came up with the word Hatha yoga. The translation of “Ha” and “Tha” in Sanskrit is Sun (heat) and moon (cold) respectively, this definition of yoga means ...more Yoga - Benefits of Yoga ...the brain's pain center regulate the gate-controlling mechanism located in the spinal cord and the secretion of natural painkillers in the body. Breathing exercises used in yoga can also reduce pain. Yoga has consistently been used to cure and prevent back pain by enhancing strength and flexibility. Both acute and long-term stress ...more Yoga ...m breathing techniques as well. Meditation plays an important role in yoga, and many western yoga establishments present the practice in a way that can help those who don't practice Hinduism. Many people in the West are attracted to yoga because of its ability to relax both the body and the mind. In addition to this, it is a great way to ...more The Yoga Diet - Explaining Rajasic and Sattvic ...ifestyle changes are the only way to see long-term benefits. This is why fad diets are so terrible for the body. The more widely the pendulum swings, the less equilibrium you will experience.Ancient yogis very much understood this and sought to balance their body, mind, and spirit, in all ways. While you will find great improvement through regular yoga practice, without intentional eating, i...more How could a Shy Person Become a Yoga Teacher? he or she develop the voice of a Yoga teacher?For an aspiring Yoga teacher, shyness is like a prison which stops him or her from life’s rewards. This person knows what to do, but feels serious anxiety when having to address a person or when having to speak in front of a group.So what is a shy, but aspiring Yoga teacher to do, when confronted with this impasse? Should he or she give up th...more |