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Yoga Versus Pilates - Which Should I Do?
...plain them a little further.Yoga - It came way earlierYoga has been around for over 5000 years. It is something much more than just a way of exercising. In fact, it is a lifestyle change that many people need to take seriously. This type of program is centered on the spiritual healing of the body as well as the physical aspects. It uses a wide combination of breathing and movements to get the ...more
Laughter Yoga - Laughter Heals Body, Mind, and Soul
...ngthens the immune system.4. When we laugh our bodies release hormones and chemicals that have positive effects on our system. One of these chemicals is endorphins, the feel-good hormone. Because laughter increases the level of endorphins in the body, it's a natural pain killer.5. One minute of laughing burns the same number of calories as ...more
Working Women & Their Fitness Regime
...y breakfast means more energy is consumed to digest it. So a light breakfast is advised. A few dry fruits in the mid day are good in case of hunger. • Lunch can be a mixture of cereals, pulses, raw and cooked fresh vegetables. Bajra, sprouts, jawar, wheat flour is also good. • Snack can be sandwich without cheese and butter. • Dinner can be a proper meal. This ...more
Yogic Philosophy
... the world appears to be false. One realises that the Self is the only truth in the whole universe. This is also the divine truth.This divine truth which is the cream of Vedic philosophy has been forgotten by all. The basis of all religions is to believe in an imaginary God. Religious texts are written in praise of such imaginary Gods by religious leaders. People obey the texts either ...more
Discover Yoga's Healing Power
... versus reacting, of taking initiative versus responding to outside factors.The positive effects of yoga during a healing process are undeniable. However, these techniques should only be used as a form of support and the healing shouldn’t rely solely on them. The best results are achieved by combining yoga with traditi...more


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