
Kram Yoga International


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How To Begin Your Yoga Practice In Texas
... rent.What should I expect?In the typical Yoga class, the students place their mats in a loose grid facing the front of the room, which can be identified by a small altar or by the teacher’s mat. Don't line up your mat exactly with the one next to it because you and your neighbor will need some space in certain poses. The students can sit in a cross-legged position and wait for cl...more
Yoga as an Aid to Bust Stress
... the effort that you put in practicing yoga.In practicing yoga there are poses that serve in the form of exercises and there are poses that are done for purely spiritual purposes. The poses can be done faster in some exercises, while in some they are done slowly with a breathing process in them. Both the types have their own benefits. Among the numerous benefits that you get out of yoga stress rel...more
Yoga and Emotional Health for Longevity
...rt ache.”It is the mind’s perception, which creates imagery, but how can we control that? Let’s look at an extreme situation – instant grief. There is hardly anything worse than the death of a friend or family member. We have no control over death. We are helpless, and we mourn, because we will not see that person again...more
Beginners Yoga For Pregnant Women
...also called the Lotuspose. Sit straight-backed with legs outstretched in front. Place the right foot on the upper thigh (nearly touching the stomach) and the left foot on the right thigh. Sit in this position for about 3-5mins.Sukhasana: This is a simple squat on the floor. This asana not only straightens the back but is also an ideal preventive against m...more
Benefits of Yoga in Chairs
...Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. Some of these yogas can be practiced on chairs and hence are also known as chair yoga.The Health Benefits of Practicing Yoga in ChairsThere are several benefits of practicing yoga in chairs and it will help you in dealing with, controlling and even reducing high blood pressure, cholesterol, chron...more


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