
International School Of Yoga And Indian Philosophy


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Yoga and Ethics
...ting yama and niyama even before the exercises is crucial to the understanding of the philosophy.In order to start on the spiritual path it is essential that a person has the moral and ethical foundation for the endeavor. The first two components therefore provide the steps for character building. Each of these consists of different but related sub-components. Ya...more
Yoga Classes or Yoga DVDs - Which Is Best To Start With
...huge difference in how well you succeed. DVDs and videos are great as supplementary materials later on when you are more confident and have learnt and received guidance from a teacher.There are many different types of yoga and many styles of teaching. Shop around and find a yoga type and teaching style that best f...more
Yogic Stress Management Therapy
...“chilling out,” self-realization, transformation, and living a quality life, are catchy phrases, but these are a handful of the many benefits of Yoga practice. What surprises the public most is that there are many styles of Yoga, and many different approaches to health problems.Yoga is a science of l...more
Yoga For Cancer Afflicted Folks offer them much needed peace of mind. Cancer afflicted folks are made to learn basic asanas and breathing exercises that are of great help in keeping them in good physical and mental condition.Cancer patients are also recommended to do Pranyama. Among cancerous folks Yoga also reduces side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer trea...more
Kids Yoga: Enhanced Goal Setting Techniques
...hildren who attend Yoga classes. Children of various age groups will look at Yoga class differently. As a general guideline, children who are four to seven years of age should work well together.Older children from eight to twelve years of age will not be entertained by the behavior of younger children. Young teens will tend to be very serious, so they shou...more


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