
International Partner Yoga Healing Retreats


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Bikram Yoga Positions, Bikram yoga can be tough to endure for certain people. Those who have low resistance to heat, have high blood pressure, heart problems or any other serious health condition, should check with their doctor before trying this form of exercise.Even if you are in top shape, you need to mentally prepare yourself for the heat. The room is between 105 F and 110 F degrees Fahrenheit ...more
Yoga And Depression? Yoga Teaches About Depression
...e part. Typically western medicine treats the symptoms of depression instead of going to the root of the problem. Depression starts with a thought. The mind takes on the attitude of this pattern and then body soon follows repeating the pattern of the mind into the structure of the body.Four ways that yoga helps with depression:1. One of the main ideas ...more
3 Stunning Ways To Speed Up Metabolism & Help You Lose Weight Fast - Achieve Stunning Results
...ake it a point to sleep at least 8 hours a day without interruption.Do yoga- Yoga has been known to be one of the best and the easiest ways to speed up metabolism. Not only does it help in boosting your body metabolism it also helps with weight loss to a very large extent. Yoga might be a bit difficult to start with at first but once you get used to it and get into a routine you would find ...more
Warming-Up for the Yoga Poses poses to aid tension and develop flexibility. Simply maintain a straight spine and do them in a slow manner. Relax your neck and as your shoulders are facing forward, drop your head at the back then in front. After that, just keep your head up, then turn it to the right, then center, then to the left. Next, drop your head in front then roll it around in circles a...more
Meditation - Relaxation and Spiritual Exploration
...start. I felt lost. I needed some form of spiritual guidance, however, I was not prepared to pay out hundreds of dollars in the hopes of finding what I was looking for. I didn't know the difference between New Age techniques and Buddhist zen yoga. What I was looking for was a means of escape from the stresses of my hectic life into deep relaxation. Luck...more


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