
Institut International De Yoga


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Beginners Yoga For Pregnant Women at any time of the day any number of times with an aim to strengthen mainly the limbs, abdomen and back. The asanas given below will exercise the internal organs also:Vajrasana: Sit with knees folded and place the hips on the heels. Maintain a straight back. Relax the hands on knees.Padmasana: This is also called the Lotuspose. Sit s...more
Kripalu Yoga – Joining Forces with the prana in your physical body. That is why Kripalu is important; it is a way of being aware of the prana and using breathing with thought to prevent blockage or disturbance of the life force in your body. In turn, you will feel an increased level of mental clarity and emotional control.Boiled down to its essence, Kripalu yoga is about looking at yourself in order t...more
Yoga and Christianity a Conflict?
...camps of thought.1. Someone who is on the fence about their own religion and not quite sure where they really stand.2. Severe intolerance of any idea that is new or might result in opening the mind.Let’s stop the intolerance now. When you are driving in your car, waiting in line, or come face-to-face with someone who is different from you, please set an example for your childre...more
Cold Sore Remedies - Stress Relief and that in turn will help keep your cold sore outbreaks at a minimum. Stress depresses the body's immune system and makes your body rife for cold sore outbreaks. How to relieve stress in your lifeThere are many ways to reduce stress in your life, including these items in your lifestyle are key in keeping the cold sore virus dormant. Exercise - Exercise is a great str...more
The Manifold Benefits Of Yoga
... achieve harmony and helps the mind work in synchronization with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusions and conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us?Stress is the number one suspect affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal and emotional system. And wi...more


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