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Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
... and 1.00 pm.** Cold drinks, ice cream, frozen yogurt and other cold foods are to be avoided** Avoid eating heavy evening meals, particularly after 7 PM.** Avoid excessively hot spices, sour and acidic foods.** Drinking alcohol or coffee should be stopped.** Cleanse the body before the allergy season.Needless to say, Ayurveda is an alternative therapy ...more
Starting Yoga - Why You May Want To Consider Yoga
...centration. After practicing Yoga, you will feel invigorated and peaceful. That along with the stress relief can help you perform your daily chores and other work.Whether you are an office worker, an athlete, a stay-at-home mom, or a grocery store cashier, you will find that the practice of Yoga helps you do your job. You do not have to just think of Yoga as an end; Yoga is also a means. It w...more
Yoga - Best For Your Mind, Body, and Soul
... practice that creates a sense of well-being, relaxation and inner harmony. It will make your body more flexible, your mind more at ease, and will keep you looking and feeling youthful.The word yoga means “union”; it is about the connection of body, mind, spirit, and planet. The combination of breathing and movement brings steadiness to the mind and can ...more
Successfully Eliminate Stress Through The Practice Of Hatha Yoga Techniques
...and lays great importance on physical discipline.The physical discipline is achieved through ‘asanas’ (postures), ‘pranayam’ (breathing exercises) and meditation. Through these activities, the body is shaped into a perfect receptacle for spiritual elements.The ‘asanas’ and ‘pranayamas’ are used to power the energy channels called the ‘nadis’. The ‘asanas’ help to dev...more
Yoga and Meditation - Questions and Answers
...t,” according to Shankara. The spirit, whose nature is consciousness alone, experiences the modifications of the mind (chitta) and mistakenly identifies with them. Though it seems to see many things, the only thing it ever really does see is the chitta as it dances before it in the form of ever-changing waves (vrittis). It is this objective consciousness that is the roo...more


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