
International Sivananda Yoga Vendanta Centre


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How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace, Part 1 the reality, and experience, of paying more, every year, for worker’s compensation claims. Real experience is more powerful than perceived fear. Yoga programs, for the corporate sector, offer very real solutions.This is where the strength in a Corporate Yoga program shows. All companies, and esp...more
Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 2 class is more important than any other factor. This is why some Yoga studios do an evaluation of a new Yoga teacher on a trial basis.When should I become a Registered Yoga teacher? The fact is you don’t have to join a Yoga teacher’s association or become a registered Yoga teacher, to teach Yoga in any country. In Great Britain, you have a choice ...more
Discover The Difference Between Hatha And Vinyasa Yoga
... were doing the posture in a more traditional way.Both Hatha and Vinyasa yoga offers a range of health benefits. There is certainly no reason why you cannot start off using the slower paces Hatha Yoga, and once more experienced and flexible, move on to practice the more challenging form of yoga, Vinyasa. Both offer a great way...more
Yoga and Diabetes
...n good circulation. In turn, increased oxygen is supplied to internal organs and the important glands of the endocrine system. When the blood vessels remain elastic, this means better heart health and decreased risk of stroke.Back bends are especially good for the cardiovascular system. Yoga teachers sh...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Difficult Students and Fitness Centers
....I felt hurt by her attitude, what can be said to people like this? What can I do to let it "roll off of me?" Can you respond in love and still get the point across?”Let’s find some realistic solutions for this Yoga teacher.In a nutshell: This particular health club member is full of negative energy. You are doing your job by substituting for the Step Aerobics class. She decides to ta...more


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