
International Sivananda Yoga Vendanta Centre


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Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 1
... You can’t fill every Yoga niche and do you want to really try? Even McDonald’s has a limit on the menu and we can all learn from this. Better to do one or a few things very well, than do nothing well at all.“Yoga Business” – Is this an Oxymoron, a Conflict of Interest, or Blasphemy? Do you feel guilty ...more
Yoga And Balance? Yoga Teaches About Balance
...n relationship to gravity. If a body is slumped over for years then opposing muscles are overworked attempting to hold the body up. To bring your bodies alignment in balance with gravity sway lightly forward and backwards slowly coming to a center point were there is no tension.Yoga teaches that when the body is in balance with earth's gravity the mind naturally becomes balan...more
These Yoga Mats and Rubber Mats will have you Standing on your Head
...ural rubber and offer excellent traction. Compared to your standard rubber floor mat, they are thicker, tougher and denser. You’ll find that these mats are made from natural rubber which is a renewable resource made from rubber trees. Most do not contain any ozone-depleting substances and are biodegradable. You can also purchase a nylon canvas bag to carry your ...more
Yoga For Multiple Sclerosis
... chair and put their walker aside, for a while, may develop the strength to stand with an assist and hold this posture with less fatigue.Meditation is also a valuable component of every complete Yoga practice. Meditation releases muscular tension, instills positive energy, and enhances body awareness. As a result of this holistic approa...more
A Short History of Yoga grew in popularity and was strongly influenced by Tantric principles.The spread of yoga in the West can be partly attributed to such spiritual figures as Swami Vivekananda and Paramhansa Yogananda, who first awakened the interest of Western seekers in Eastern philosophy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with their expositions of jnana, bhakti and karma ...more


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