
International Yoga Teachers Ociation


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Hatha Yoga 101
... objective of Hatha Yoga is to pave the way towards the subsequent phases in Yoga such as sense-withdrawal, concentration and meditation.AsanaOne of the main elements of Hatha Yoga is body posture. Exercise posture or Asana is greatly emphasized in Hatha Yoga. Posture is believed to be a key towards achieving true meditation. If one has already mastered his pos...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Relief from the Symptoms of MS
...from my practice are too numerous to list here, but I have more flexibility, more energy, more confidence and it has helped me stay focused and on task. I have learned how to deal with anxiety and stress in a more positive fashion. My job is very high stress and practicing yoga has helped me stay focused on the client I am with at the moment. I also feel I am more centered and les...more
The Yoga of Trust - Jules Paxton's New Yoga
...ed forms are going to really grow in the West. Because as more people do yoga, and more couples do yoga, they are going to be amazed when they discover there is this magic, deep and sensual yoga that allows them to practice not just together, but actually with each other.And there are Trust Yoga poses that...more
Yoga Exercises - Yoga Music The Call Of The Forest v Swan Lake
...f meditation - so therefore the music has to be suitable. For Example the famous ballet swan lake would never of had the same affect if those graceful moves were performed to the tune of I`m a Yankee Doodle dandy.Invigorating noises that please the mind can help improve yoga exercise. The word Yoga is l...more
Part I: Yoga and Weight Lifting Go Perfectly Together
...uently, but for the purist, the free weights are still the place for a great work out of muscle building and toning.The trouble with most exercises you will do in a gym is they cause shortening and tightening of the muscles. When you lift a barbell for bicep curls the objective is to build the two heads of the bicep, add strength and definition.The same would be for the sq...more


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