
International Yoga Asana Championship


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Why Does the Western Public Desire Pilates?
... Public Desire Pilates? As a Yoga teacher, and a Pilates instructor, it is very noticeable that Pilates and Yoga reach two distinctly different groups of people. The typical Pilates student does not want to learn about meditation, Pranayama, Sanskrit, bandhas, mudras, or doshas. In the mind of a Pilates enthusiast, all of these Yogic aspects are considered secondary to th...more
Raja Yoga – Gaining Complete Control of Mind for Deep Meditation
... Without it nothing that follows is possible. In conjunction with the self-control, you must practice religious observances, and seek to expand your quality of devotion. These two lead to Asana, or an integration of mind and body.At this stage, you are ready to begin control over the breath, which is main life force that animates our existen...more
Do You Know The Differences Between Yoga And Pilates?
..., Dian Ramirez, Leslie Sansone, Kathy Smith, Denise Austin, Karen Voight, The Method yoga, MTV, Prevention, etc). Of course, you won't get quite the same workout without the elaborate weight systems, but it could be a good launching point for people who are curious but not quite ready to commit to a gym or studio.Some of the most popular videos in...more
What Are the Benefits of Yoga?
...r Yoga therapy, which deals so thoroughly with nerves and their consequences, is therefore considered to be very real, for ill-nourished and uncontrolled nerves sap the energy of a country, and impact its physical condition and its intellectual mindset. Yoga isn't preached to teach the Western metropolis inhabitant the Indian rope-t...more
Learning Yoga Postures For Increased Health And Vitality
...ed.Practicing and eventually mastering these yoga postures can mean the acquirement of a lifetime tool for maintaining flexibility, strength, and overall health. There are literally hundreds of yoga postures in existence; each yoga posture benefits a particular part of the body – strengthening abdominal...more


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