
Tapas Mats Yoga


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Chair Yoga Case Study - Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure
...ings up. The classes are not monotonous and she is very sensitive to the needs and mood of her students. This program really does help your mind and body. It brings balance to your life but you do have to work at it.Yoga has now become a part of my daily life and I find myself incorporating more and more each month. The release of tension makes such a big difference in my lif...more
Why Chair Yoga
...nts, as certain body parts wear out faster within particular families. I have seen this, “up close, and personal.” Within the knees of my own family, for generations, there have been knee problems.My mother, uncle, son, and I have all had knee problems, starting at a young age, and all of us are from the same direct bloodline. With my son, doctors told u...more
Yoga And Your Health
...vements in physical health as well as mental and physiological well-being. More and more people are now taking up yoga in order to increase their flexibility, ease stress, reduce pain in the muscles and the joints and also as a way of dealing with several health problems.Yoga is a highly therapeutic art form that is aimed at uniting the body, the mind and the ...more
Reducing Stress One Laugh at a Time
...rite cartoonists As Milton Berle said “Laughter is an instant vacation” so anything that makes us laugh will be the perfect stress break.3. Try laughter yoga.Laughter yoga was started in 1995 in India. Now there are over 5,000 laughter yoga clubs in 50 countries. With laughter yoga, we don’t need jokes or funny pictures because we essentially laugh for no reason. Sp...more
Yoga - A Healthier Lifestyle More Easily
...themselves and can see where there are factors in their life that have held them back either in health, mentally or other areas.Old emotional problems that have dragged them down for years are suddenly set free and it is this new found freedom that makes many people seek more of the 'good stuff' that life has available for those who wish to take advant...more
