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What is Chair Yoga?
...ulty of getting up, or down, on the floor.Chair Yoga sessions are most commonly seen in senior centers, assisted living complexes, nursing homes, adult day care centers, and physical rehabilitation units. Clients can learn any number of Yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and stage-by-stage relaxation, with the aid ...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Lord Of Dance
...the shin) when lifting the leg to prevent the cramps in the back of the thigh.Three important reasons not to do the Lord of the Dance posture:1) If you have serious lower back injury, avoid practicing this posture.2) In case of knee injury do not attempt this posture.3) If you have High Blood Pressure do not do this posture.Caution: Always check with your doctor if you have any doubts or co...more
Getting To Know Hatha Yoga words Ha which means sun and Tha which means moon.Hatha Yoga, which was first introduced in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama, was meant to help yoga practitioners start off with purifying their bodies before proceeding to a higher level of meditation. It is said that Hatha Yoga is similar to Raja Yoga which follows the principle of yama which refers to moral self discipline or con...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Assisting, Demonstrating, and Verbally Cueing
...feel that one method for teaching Yoga is better than the rest; but which one is it? If a Yoga teacher does not give a physical assist, is that wrong? If a Yoga instructor does not demonstrate poses, how can students who learn visually make progress? What about the Yoga instructor who makes an assist before verbally cueing?There are many methods...more
Raja Yoga – Gaining Complete Control of Mind for Deep Meditation
...tma, the universal soul." This may be understood as union with the Divine by integration of body, mind, and spirit.Raja Yoga involves exact meditation techniques which lead to experiences of the truth and finally achieve liberation, described in Hindu thought as moksha. ( or liberation from the cycle of bir...more


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