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All You Need To Know About Baby Yoga
...As a result, it improves baby's digestion and eases the symptoms of colic and constipation. In addition, physical stretching allows baby to breathe more easily and deeply and thus supports the development of baby's immune system. Some also say that yoga in particular helps to improve baby's sleep.The care taker benefits greatly too: the deep re...more
Become a Certified Yoga Teacher - Do You Have a Passion for Your Job?
...consider what factors motivate people to go to work. We might be able to boil these prime motivations down into three groups. The desire for money, status, and passion, are the three basic reasons why people go work. Usually, most people receive one, or two, of the three prime motivators by going to work.Many people go to work for a pay check, to bring money home for their famil...more
Kids Yoga: Dealing with Anger Management
...the Asian martial arts can trace their ancestry back to the Shaolin temple. The Shaolin monks credited an Indian sage by the name of Bodhidharma for passing on his knowledge of health maintenance. We do not know the exact specifics of what Bodhidharma taught, but you can be guaranteed a good part of it was Yoga. It is said Bodhidharma was from royalt...more
Yoga in Practice: Projecting Happiness
...comings and your success. Learn to develop your power of influence for the common good.It does not matter who is right, especially, if your intention is to proliferate happiness. Related to this, I share one more quote by Mahatma Gandhi.“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, ...more
Meditation Brings Business Renewal
...s you practice, the interference you feel at first will subside and you will be able to experience only that moment fully. I must also remind myself to be patient. Many times using these simple acts during the day can clear my mind and keep me focused longer while reducing the physical strain that comes with sitting at my desk for hours on end.While t...more


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