
1998 February Issue Of Yoga International


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1998 February Issue Of Yoga International Information


How to Get a Yoga Trainer License
...s out there that only teach their students a small portion of what it takes to start, run, and grow a successful yoga practice and as for me, if I ever decide to pursue being a full-fledged yoga teacher the whole process of obtaining a yoga trainer license for me has got to be...well: ON POINT!!!I mean I know enough from research, practice and ...more
Yoga and Weight Training - Never the Twain Shall Meet?
...t taught to populations studying yoga.The beauty of yoga is its absolute dependence on nothing but the human being. No external equipment is necessary. However, it is important to focus the body and mind in an integrated way. Ultimately, ones spiritual energy is awakened. The person is better able to interact with the world ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating a New Reality, you will need to design a list, but I must admit a list of long, and short-term objectives, does make life a lot more productive.No matter how much drive and ambition you have, the direction you travel in should be designed to make the best use of your time. The time spent planning will actually prevent mistakes and help you to avoid wasting time.Therefore, ...more
Yoga For Digestive Disorders
...rcises can give relief virtually from any ailment, relating to any organ of the body.This applies even to gastrointestinal problems faced by us regularly. Yoga for digestive system has a set of exercises or positions, 'asanas' that can provide you complete relief, be it the 'IBS' or irritable bowel syndrome, di...more
Questions about Yoga Teacher Training via Correspondence
...e had six years of formal training with a master Yoga teacher (Guru), and currently, lives outside of North America. This interview will help to put some light on Yoga teacher training by correspondence.Q: Will a Yoga teacher training correspondence package make me competent enough to teach Yoga? This is bearing in mind that, at this...more


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