
International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre


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The Most Common Types of Yoga
... as the "yoga of potent sound’. These types of yoga aims at liberation through the verbal or mental repetition of empowered sounds, such as "om", "hum”, or "ram".There are so many yoga institutions to choose from. It is also a good idea that before going into a class, discuss with the teacher first ...more
Pilates vs Yoga - What Makes Them Different Makes Them Unique
...ative exercises. He brought his regime to New York City and today Pilates is everywhere.They are both effective forms of exercise and a good choice for someone who is looking for a change in their routine or for someone who requires a lower impact approach to exercise. But to say they are related in any great...more
Yoga For Losing Weight
...cannot entirely replace the benefits of regular aerobic activity, such as walking, but yoga can provide the basis for a healthier lifestyle.What Hollywood and the "get skinny quick" master minds of modern marketing would have you believe is that rapid weight loss is healthy. The reality of the world we live in...more
Exercising In Old Age - Keep It Simple!
... your entire life, including how much exercise you get. But considering all the health risks that are a natural part of old age, it may be more important than ever to increase the level of physical activity in your daily life as you get older. You don’t have to pull weights at the gym or run a marathon. Simplicity is the key to e...more
Are Yoga Balls Helpful for Doing Poses?
... it is a versatile prop for many postures, the 30 inch diameter ball is a terrific tool. These air-filled balls give support in poses such as backbends hip openers and restorative poses.Balls are shipped un-inflated and include a small hand-held pump. Moreover, they are made from durable vinyl and can support up to 600 poun...more


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