
Halfmoon Yoga Props


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Yoga Meditation 101: Breath Awareness and Posture
... that you have settled in, take some time to observe your breath, without trying to change, force, or lengthen your breathing cycle. Most Yoga students will try to control their breath, but the secret of Yogic breath awareness meditation is non-effort and observance.Take the time to observe your breath, with...more
Yoga for Health
...g to the principles of yoga the mind, spirit and the body are one and they together can heal itself.Yoga has three main techniques:Asanas or poses The various yogic poses give your body flexibility and strengthen the muscles. Many asanas are aimed at improving blood circulation and functioning of spe...more
Hatha Yoga Myth - Losing Weight
...nd the Yogic diet quietly takes its place of honor, even if someone changes the name.So, what does the Yogic diet consist of? The Yogic diet, mentioned by Swami Svatmarama, contains a balanced combination of whole grain breads, vegetables, fruit, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and dairy products. Pleas...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not do Bhastrika Pranayama
...into the body to produce inner heat at the physical and subtle level.Bhastrika breathing is a dynamic and highly energizing abdominal breathing exercise requiring a large expenditure of physical energy. It is accomplished by breathing abdominally at the rate of 1-4 breaths per second, with inhalations and exhalations equally emphasized and equa...more
Have a Health Problem? Yoga Can Solve It - Part 3
....There you have it, the comprehensive list of what pose can help with any ailment you may have. Here is another tip, for any of these ailments listed above, incorporate what Philippus Paracelsus has named ’the greatest remedy--the physician within!" and that my friends is a Fast or as an alternative a restricted mono-diet of...more
