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Yoga Basics For Beginners
...n practiced regularly will create inner peace. When you observe yourself thinking in a way that is not kind and loving, try the following and I guarantee that your quality of life will improve:1. Change what you’re looking at – look at something beautiful like a flower, mountain, tree, picture of a baby or anything else that makes you smile. 2. Change your breath – breathe consciously and th...more
Yoga, Good Luck, and Positive Energy
...profound, positive changes in life, your self-image will also change, and you will notice your self-confidence “comes to light.” When you have a positive view of yourself, this will become your positive outlook on life. Your view has changed because of the changes within you.You will begin to see opportunities that o...more
Yoga: When Should You Consider a Private Lesson?
...’s home, to gymnasiums full of eager Yoga students.This is a good thing - so who needs a private lesson when you can buy a Yoga video and learn from the masters? Learning Yoga should be a “piece of cake,” right? Wrong; as a matter of fact – Painfully wrong.Yoga videos are great learning tools for “Yoga Tea...more
Yoga for Life: Vinyasa Flow
...our needs and then build a complementary step-by-step practice to meet those needs. After creating the foundation of our practice, paying attention to how we begin, we can build our practice. We complete our practice, putting the roof on, being sure we have carefully addressed our stated needs.The flow of the breath, of life itself, and of a vinya...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Solutions for Depression
...u may want some solitary time to purge your body and mind by crying. When we lose a loved one, most of us cannot stop crying. Regardless of the problem, crying is a temporary release. We cannot cry forever, but crying can help.In Bhakti Yoga (Union by devotion to God), we learn to open the connection to God. There a...more
