
Tantra Yoga International


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The Purpose of Yoga- The Components of Good Character
...e disrespectful. Children need to learn social skills, by socializing with each other, instead of playing video games for five hours per night.Compassion is helping those who suffer. To take the time to understand someone else’s bad situation, in an empathic sense, is a noble quality. Compassion is also directly related to mercy, w...more
5 Reasons to Use Yoga to Battle Modern Day Stresses
... to do, as they are already flexible. Yoga can help them retain that flexibility. It can also help to develop their self-discipline. Practicing yoga is good for developing coordination and can help to improve concentration - which many children and teens find difficult.4. Yoga is the ideal exercise during pregnancy.Practicing yoga can improve ba...more
Relaxing Into Your Workout: Yoga for Weight Loss
...s that are used in Yoga that specifically target on increasing circulation and working with internal organs. These all cause the digestive system to relax and shift. Many who use Yoga will refer to this as a massaging of the organs. Your body will begin to respond by detoxifying, or getting rid of the extra things that are in this part of your body. Over time, you will begin to fee...more
The Manifold Benefits Of Yoga
...s the muscles and joints as we;; as massaging the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body.This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny of your body as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life.6. y...more
Confirming The Grand Claims About Yoga
...een known to be calming and pleasurable in order to ascertain the true power of yoga. Most people have used reading at some point in their lives as a way of relaxing.The level of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) was tested before and after the session. All subjects were then assessed for brain levels of GABA both before and after the sessio...more


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