
International Journal Of Yoga Therapy


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Yoga for Health and Fitness - The Seven Major Energy Centers (Chakras)
...ans of the body is regarded as Yoga." The organs are controlled and toned by drawing energy up through the seven major energy centers, or chakras. The ultimate goal is to reach the topmost chakra and achieve self-illumination. When certain postures and disciplines are followed, energies that have accumulated and stagnated are moved through the chakras. The practicing of Yoga r...more
Yoga for Kids: Building Self-Image, Part 2
... Each child wants praise, but this can be accomplished by making your Yoga class a nurturing event, where every child who participates, can feel a sense of self-worth.This atmosphere, which is designed by the Yoga instructor, will develop a child’s character “from the ground up.” Each child is unique and special in his or her own way. Children h...more
Yoga Certification - On-Site vs Off-Site Training
... you have a full understanding of what your qualifications will be after taking a particular yoga course.* Is cost and time a factor for me? On-site yoga certification courses typically require you to be available for the duration of the course (usually around two to three weeks). For working people, this m...more
Concentration and Meditation
...only when the mind is operating at its low levels. At the highest level attention does not require an object. This may be made clear by an analogy. Suppose a person is focusing his attention on a point. As long as it is a physical point it has an area however small and attention is spread over that ...more
Yoga Can Harness the Power of Attraction
...tive energy, within one person, can create a foundation, trust, or charity, which feeds the hungry or heals the masses. Yoga teaches us to tap into universal positive energy, which we share with others. To keep Yoga a secret, does not benefit mankind.One mind is powerful, but many minds gathering to practice Yoga for the common good, is ...more


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