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Teaching Yoga for Stress Management
....Most Yoga teacher training courses barely scratch the surface, when considering the needs of stressed-out students. More often, attention is paid to the technical aspects of Pranayama (yogic breathing), asana (yogic posturing), student safety, teacher ethics, teaching methodology, anatomy, physiology, philosophy, and much more.So, how, in the world, could a Yoga instructor be prepared fo...more
Yoga Mats Guide is nothing worse than losing your grip on the floor once changing poses as well as stretching. Not only does this increase your risk for actually injuring yourself, but also it takes away from the effectiveness of the yoga. A perfect way to solve this issue is to acquire the of high quality yoga mat that fits your needs and personal preferences.There are man...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Communication
...hips. People are not the same.We cannot take it out on the world because we had one difficult person upset us. On the other hand, just like everyone else, Yoga instructors are human too. We all make mistakes, and one moment is not an indication of our imprint on this lifetime. Yet, people will easily remember our worst behavior.With that said, there are many more p...more
How to Improve Your Body, Mind and Spirit By Practicing Hatha Yoga
...erse. This feeling can be compared to a person floating with no gravity at all. Many people are easily distracted by the outward forces and may not be able to focus on a particular task. Such people can get benefited with the hatha yoga. By constantly practicing hatha yoga you can find the divinity in yourself. This helps y...more
What Mountain?
... reached our goals, gone over the mountain, only to find another mountain!The style of yoga that I teach is a metaphor or training in relaxing into the process; relaxing into the moment Its referred to as "flow" or "vinyasa" (flowing, in Sanskrit). The emphasis is on the process of moving from one pose into the next, pausing in a pose for 3 to 5 breaths, relaxing, fully experien...more


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