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Yoga Invigorates Your Sex Life
... recently gone through a renaissance as more and more folks prefer it over Viagra and other medications to gain desired level of erection.Asanas of Tantra Yoga bring in required physiological changes to propel more secretion of sexual hormones. These hormones in turn help gain desired sexual potency. In addition to t...more
Interested In History? How About The History Of Yoga?
..., but much is well known about the history of Yoga.It is thought that the word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yog meaning union or yoke. This is thought to refer to the ultimate aim of Yoga, which is a union. That union is supposed to be the union of body and mind, reaching a state of higher mental being or spir...more
Yoga And The Benefits Of Menopause: A Means to Obtain Relief From Menopause Symptoms
... easy answer especially if you have been practicing yoga for several years. Yoga teaches you to experience your body. It teaches you to relax, to breathe, and to let the tension leave your body through meditation. It also helps you to strengthen your body's muscles.Imagine a room where you are alone, no children to disrupt your peace, and you can let your mind go anyw...more
Discovering The History And Concepts Of Different Branches of Yoga
...mes, introduced it as a form of "a stairway to the heights" of Raja Yoga which is the preparatory stage of physical purification that makes the body fit for the practice of higher form of meditation. Hatha yoga is also known to be called as "hatha vidya" and the word "hatha" is a combination of the words, "ha" wh...more
Yoga, Is It For You? Some Of Your Questions Answered
... way to breathe is as important as learning the postures. So when you first start, take it slowly and learn the whole process.You may think you are not flexible so will not be able to do yoga. This couldn't be further from the truth. Practicing yoga will help with your flexibility. You will also notice after a time, your coordination, ...more


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