
Prenatal Yoga Yoga International Couples


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Discover Yoga - A Gift For The Rest Of Your Life
... when my husband commented that my shoulders were rounding, and I was not walking upright. I saw the slippery slope at only age 58 to where I was hunched over my walker at 78! This was NOT going to happen to me. The day I saw my bent back in the mirror, was the day I took control of my body and made it my mission to become more mobile.STRETCH OR SNAPImagine a piece o...more
Yoga Isn't Just For The Younger Crowd - Find Out How Yoga For Elders Is Becoming More Popular
...tainly not required and not advisable to attempt for elders.The age of 50 years is considered perfect for yoga by Indian yoga practitioners, since higher levels of conciousness are easier to attain with the accumulated experiences of the older people of this age bracket.It is said that greater union between body and spirit are achieved by the practices of yoga. We ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama
...nd your Yoga students, should not lose sight of this fact. This would be similar to the pilot of a jetliner turning control over to the passengers because of a change in altitude.Although Yoga and martial arts differ, I will draw you a parallel, philosophical, and mental picture. Japanese is a very deep language, much like Sanskrit. Somet...more
Yoga for Mind - Body and Spirit
...e creed that has become. ‘Yoga’ and his vision known as Raja Yoga embraces eight life areas that provide a template for leading a good and virtuous earthly existence. These tenets are similar to the laws and observances of all great spiritual traditions. The devotee eschews lying, violence, theft, illicit sex and the need for possessions. Through the five...more
Yoga Stress Relief
...whelmed. Yoga exercise can help relieve this stress. You concentrate on achieving the various poses, breathing deeply, and relaxing. You not only build up your strength and increase your flexibility, but equally important, you recharge your energy levels and reduce your stress levels.Yoga is probably the best exercise method for reducing stress and improvi...more


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