
International Center For Yoga


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Branches Or Basics of Yoga from any of the six branches. Asanas or postures, Pranayama or breath control, these two disciplines along with meditation and a strict moral code are the fundamentals of the practice of yoga.Hatha Yoga Introduced in the 15th century by an Indian sage as a preparatory stage of physical purification to enable the b...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga for Arthritis
...atience, both on behalf of the patient, and you, as the instructor. Never force a student, with arthritis, to push past the point of pain. The student must keep pushing their limits, but never force the arthritic joint. This could cause damage of the joint.Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in people over fifty-five. People as young as 20 years of age are also affected,...more
Diabetic Students and Yoga - What to Expect
... positions, increases circulation. Poor circulation is a major side effect of diabetes and leads to long term complications. Increased circulation and oxygen to the body helps everything function better; and several glands within the endocrine system are vitalized. Yoga helps retain the elasticity of blood vessels and reduces high blood pressure, in some cases. Additionally, lethargy and depres...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - How to Teach Your Students About Presence
...they were children. Better yet, some students have admitted that they were living on auto-pilot, until they discovered this level of mental and physical awareness.At this point, some literature about the values of Yama and Niyama will benefit your students. Please consider that we have not yet discussed basic meditation or higher levels of meditation. Is a student ready for m...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: How to Influence Students without Criticism
...uide the lesson plan, during a Yoga class, should be teaching something else.The point is that all forms of Yoga require teachers who listen empathically, observe with mindfulness, and find solutions for mental, physical, and spiritual health. When a Yoga teacher truly cares about a student’s quality of life, the positive e...more


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