
Stipe Yoga Mats


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Yoga Postures For Kids
.... Yoga can be likened to the phrase, “thinking outside of the box.” Through the different yoga postures for kids, children can change their behavior by going to another place, and becoming a animal, bird, or mental time traveler, if only for a short time.Many yoga postures for kids are taught in postures, vinyasas, or yog...more
What is Yoga
...Hatha yoga each posture (asana) is designed to maintain or aid in restoring health, by increasing strength and flexibility. The far-reaching benefits include improved functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems. A steady yoga practice can help regulate body weight, and improve sleep patterns. M...more
Yoga in Practice: Is Karma Good or Bad?
...dfulness, and Karma Yoga rarely make the cover of Time Magazine.However, you should still privately mention your interest, in Yogic philosophy, to your Yoga teacher. Most Hatha Yoga teachers are very familiar with Yogic philosophy, but many do not want to be seen as a guide toward spiritual health.This situation occurs more often in a multi-cultural society where Hatha Yoga s...more
Yoga Therapy
... and more.If a Yoga teacher considers becoming a therapist, there are a number of requirements to become competent. One priority is to develop in-depth knowledge of anatomy. This will require extra training and study. Some physical therapists, and physicians, are also Yoga teachers, so the jump to Yoga therapy is a logical one.However, the average instructor does not have a ...more
Yoga in Practice: From Worrier to Warrior I
...idden treasures that shape us for the best, when we learn from them.This concept, which is also called “mindfulness,” is taught by Yoga teachers, but it is a universal principle. Mindfulness might also be taught by a Buddhist monk, but what exactly is mindfulness?Mindfulness is awareness, awakening, and ...more
