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Meditation - The Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation
... contemplation are:Thought. Contemplation may start with a verbal thought or process.Reflection. Second is to deepen to quiet reflectionIntuition. Later bring intuitive wisdom, andKnowing. Then lead to a formless knowing. Like meditation, contemplation also moves inward, following the steps of moving inward from gross to subtle to subtler and to subtle...more
Astrological Influence Over Your Education
... field of education, whatever may be the subject careful selection of auspicious moment is very essential. The following article discusses those auspicious moments related with education.It must be noted, that in general, the beneficial constellations of education are the Mrigasara, Pushya, Punarvasu, Hasta, Aridra, Chitta, Sravana, Dhanistha and the Satabisha. Commencement of e...more
Tutorial: Learning Yoga
...on doing such be knowledgeable enough about the discipline.Otherwise, the danger would be imminent to the class participants and students. Like almost all forms of exercises, yoga activities can be futile if the proper techniques, posture and form of the body throughout the process would definitely spell out the success and efficiency of the task.The book is available on your favorite bookst...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating Happiness From Within
...matter of choice.If we have a job, we are doing better than someone who is unemployed. Life is not fair, but it is not all bad. Even in the worst of times, people of exceptional character rise up with courage and vision. The person, who sees a “bench mark” of material wealth, as a gateway to happiness, has “missed the boat.”While he or she was cha...more
Exploring Free Online Yoga Classes the material. Otherwise, you might get into techniques that are not good for you to handle on your own. In some cases, a free yoga program may only teach you yoga techniques up to a certain point, and you need to find out for yourself whether free program is fully geared or will leave you hanging.Yoga InstructorsJust as there are different yoga disciplines, there are a...more


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