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Health Benefits of Yoga high or advanced level.Whilst more studies are needed to draw firm conclusions about yoga, the present studies allow us to speculate that yoga, when practiced regularly, has great benefits for overall health.Such benefits include but are not limited to the physical, mental and spiritual. Yoga helps tone and strengthen the body and build muscle ...more
Excellent Form of Physical Exercise for the Wheelchair Bound
...gthen your muscles and allow you to feel healthier and fitter. Typically, yoga is an ancient Indian form of meditation, but it has seen dramatic rise in popularity in the United States within the last 10-15 years. Known for its flexibility in style, yoga incorporates breathing techniques with bodily contortions and stretches. Nowadays, wheelchair yoga has becom...more
Relieve the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis with Chair Yoga
...time goes on. Thanks!” - Lori B.“I have enjoyed Yoga in Chairs. It makes me feel relaxed. I’ve learned some valuable exercises from class. Liz has some wonderful handouts. She is a very knowledgeable instructor and makes it seem so easy. By taking this class I am more aware of how I carry my stress and the importanc...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 2
...oner. Within a spiritual country, such as India or Saudi Arabia, you will also see many examples of Bhakti Yoga. Although, many Saudis might not agree with the description, they are devoted to Allah (God). Many Moslems will travel a great distance for a Hajj or Umrah. This is an example of loving service to God.Sometimes devotion can be to a prophet, sain...more
Kriya Yoga - Brief History
...s; and to control his sensory mind and intellect; and to banish desire, fear and anger."The Bhagaved-Gita is rumored to have been written more than 3000 years ago.Paramahansa Yogananda writes in his "Autobiography of a Yogi" that Master Mahasaya received his teaching directly from Babaji, the Guru of all gurus. It is rumored that Babaji appears regularly among accomplished master yo...more


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