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Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Devotion
... For this, he has to practice devotion and virtue. His ultimate goal should be to unite with this divine power and rest eternally in happiness and peace. The devotee surrenders all his motives and acts to the Divine Power. He renounces all the responsibilities towards the good or bad consequences of all his actions and ascribes ...more
The Manifold Benefits Of Yoga
... in a wholesome manner on the various body parts. . This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder.One of the far-reaching benefits of yoga is the uncanny sense of awareness that it de...more
Yoga Balls For Fitness And Stability
... is one of the grave issues for many. This helps in achieving stability by controlling the ball. It gives a proper shape to your body, tones your muscles, as well as can be fun in doing most of the yoga poses with the ball. There are different sizes and colors to be chosen from to suit your personality as well as t...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Is a Hatha Yoga Teacher a Karma Yogi?
... and it benefits humankind, it is a form of Karma Yoga. Your dosha calls to you in diet, exercise, activity, behavior, and in your work. When you follow your true nature, you will find tranquility and harmony in life. A Hatha Yoga teacher should learn if he or she is pitta, vata, or kapha. Then you will understand the strengths and weaknesses of your role in this life.© Copyright 20...more
Yoga Instructor Certification Course - Why Registration Is Not Enough For New & Established Teachers
... facet of yoga with particular importance placed on anatomy, physiology, safety, modifications, props and important contraindications.Additionally, if you are starting out then it is advisable to find a study course that also includes the fundamentals of running your own practice and making it profitable fr...more


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