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Hatha Yoga Certification Home Study Courses certification organizations.There are some Yoga teacher certifications that require less than 200 hours, but will you learn about modifications, contraindications, anatomy, physiology, the subtle body, chakras, mudras, bandhas, doshas, kriyas, asanas, meditation, and Pranayama in less than 200 hours? Remember that...more
The Good Things You Get From Bikram Yoga
...creas, kidneys, and colon. You can also improve some of the muscles in the body like the trapezeus, the deltoid, the hamstring, and the pectoralis major.3. Eagle Pose - this pose will help to make the pelvis more open, take care of knee pain and arthritis, make the legs stronger, help with pain in the sciatica nerve, and make the toes and ankles to have a better...more
Aquaexercise for All
...water pressure throughout the limb, rather than directly on the joint.Just being in the water causes you to exercise. The continual water pressure that pushes against you while you move makes you push out harder to continue movement. Water exercise is natural resistance training as there is continual resistance to each move you make, creating stronger muscles. Water activi...more
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Sitting Forward Bend
...nts is really praiseworthy.The Sitting Forward Bend is one of the most demanding postures of Yoga. In this pose the body is folded almost in half, providing an intense stretch to the entire back of the body, from the scalp down to the heels. Students often struggle in this asana. If you pull yourself...more
Why is Teaching Yoga so Rewarding? Part 1 the lives of all those who learn from you.Teaching any style of Yoga is akin to practicing Jnana Yoga, (Union through knowledge), even if you are a Hatha Yoga teacher. How can I state this? Yoga knowledge is infinite and the pursuit of Yogic knowledge is a daily task. Continuing education is an integral...more


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