
Yoga Props Chairs


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Thai Massage - An Amazing Variation Of Massage Therapy
...storyThe massage technique started in ancient India, and is based on the Ayurveda, which is a structure of natural science that Indians have used to treat illnesses as well as body ailments, and to cure diseases. The method then moved to Siam, which is now called Thailand.The thai massage is very analogous to yoga, because parts of your body will be stretched and extend...more
Health Benefits of Yoga
...apparent. The yoga postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation come together to yield a large number of physiological and psychological changes:Physiological Benefits of Yoga* increases muscle flexibility and joint range of motion* increases muscular strength, endurance, and joint stability* improves posture, steadiness, coordination, and balance* decreases joi...more
Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 4
... Like the other benefits, previously mentioned, this results in whole body health. A healthy body does, indeed, compliment a healthy mind.For those clients who are confined to a chair, it is wise to include some form of a weight bearing, or weight resistance, exercise program. For those who can stand, Chair Yoga is another weight bearin...more
Yoga Certification - A Gateway To Job Satisfaction
...consider: Nobody becomes a Yoga teacher, without some planning. Many instructors start out by teaching a couple of classes per week. You could teach more, if you desire.Teaching, part-time, leaves you with plenty of energy to attend your regular job. Being a part-time Yoga instructor also places you at a unique point in your life. Much like...more
Should an Obese Person Become a Yoga Teacher?
...lic feel that he or she should go on a diet first? We are all guilty of classifying and itemizing, until it affects our perception of reality. Tolerance is a daily challenge for all of us.There are many good Yoga teachers who carry a few extra pounds due to any number of different reasons. The idea that a Yoga teacher should only be a young, thin, very flexible, super model, with a background...more
