
Siddha Yoga Meditation


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Yoga at the Office: Improving Your Body and Mind
...ple yelling, people running around, people refusing to put more paper in the copier - and it can be rather easy to get caught up in the stress: stress generates more stress. However, practicing yoga at work helps to keep you calm, helping you to rise above the stress rather than be piled under it. This is because yoga, through breathing and mindful practices, teaches you to take one moment at ...more
An Objective View of Yoga
...anything in return, you are practicing Karma Yoga. By praying, you are practicing a form of Bhakti Yoga. Also, by seeking and finding the pure, but unobvious truth, you may be practicing Jnana Yoga, (Union by Knowledge).Yoga literally means “Unity” or “Union,” but each Yoga style has within itself a unique way to achieve the union of mind, body, and spirit. Yoga i...more
Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year's Rush - Part 1
...refore, open a special event class to “test the waters” for student interest. There is no sense in starting another Yoga class without researching, if there is a demand. If the crowd loves the class, you will have no problem getting sign-ups. Be certain that your sign-ups make, at least, a down payment on a class package.It is very easy for people to sign up for a...more
What Is Yoga
...e spiritual approach, some that will make you sweat and some where you’d spend half a class holding the same posture.Back to Chair Yoga: It goes by a variety of different names and is sometimes mixed with other forms of exercise, within the same class, such as: weight resistance, low-impact aerobics, Chair Pilates, and Tai Chi. So, the...more
What is Ashtanga Yoga and is it Right For You?
...olved from the original Sutras of Patanjali. Ashtanga Yoga is also known as Eight Limb Yoga. It postulates that the path of purification is made up of eight limbs of spiritual practice.The first four limbs that Ashtanga Yoga proposes to master are - yama (do, attached to a moral code), niyama (don't do, attached to purifying the body and study), Asana (Mastering Postures) and Pranayama (co...more


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