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Understanding Yoga and Pranayama
...t) and Anga (limbs) or eight parts of yoga. Which includes, Yum, Niyam, Asana, Pranayma, dyana, pratyahar, dharana and samadhi.In my first series of articles, We'll discuss Pranayama.As Yoga exercise is incomplete without purification of your internal Soul. You can treat Yoga as purification of body and Pranayama and other limbs as purification of soul.Pranayama is ...more
Yoga - Benefits of Yoga
...ical and mental therapy. The aging process, which is largely an artificial condition, caused mainly by autointoxication or self-poisoning, can be slowed down by practicing yoga. Although yoga has been shown to be beneficial in a variety of conditions, it is not considered a therapy for specific illnesses. Yoga also strives to increase self-awareness on both a physical and psychological level...more
Yoga Teacher Certification - Where to Get a Recognized Yoga Teacher Certification
...wledge of yoga will make it easier for you to understand and complete the course. Of course, the important point to maintain in your quest to obtain a Yoga Teacher Certification is continued practice till perfection.Once you have completed the online course, you will have to tackle an assignment or two to be sent over to the institute issuing your Diploma and on assessing your assignme...more
Yoga Postures For Kids
...ceptive, and kids think it will be so easy. The Mountain is done in a seemingly simple standing movement that requires a lot of movement and breathing exercises to be performed at one time.The Uttanasana II is a forward bend or extension movement of yoga postures for kids that stretches the legs and spine, and provides rest to the heart and neck. The Uttanasana II also relaxes th...more
Yoga, Do Not Knock It Until You Try It
...y we should be very serious yoga is quite good for the soul, relaxation and de-stressing too. So, do not knock yoga until you try it. Now I have tried it so it is okay for me to make jokes, but if you have not tried it, you are barred from laughing or tipping over your friends who you think are looking quite silly while they do their “Yoga Thing.”So,...more


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