
Recipe To Wash Yoga Mats


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Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Communication
... subject, are attracted to teachers who could care less about student safety or welfare.Luckily, there are extremely few Yoga instructors who are self-absorbed. When you are going through the Yoga instructor certification process, there is a certain "magic" to the experience. As you continue to teach Yoga, you still want to capture the magic and share it with your students.© Copyr...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Relief from the Symptoms of MS
...ave more flexibility, more energy, more confidence and it has helped me stay focused and on task. I have learned how to deal with anxiety and stress in a more positive fashion. My job is very high stress and practicing yoga has helped me stay focused on the client I am with at the moment. I also feel I am more centered and less reactive in both my professio...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1
...of Yoga." Each one of these Five Don'ts (Yama) and Five Do's (Niyama) is a supporting, liberating Pillar of Yoga. Yama means self-restraint in the sense of self-mastery, or abstention, and consists of five elements. Niyama means observances, of which there are also five. Here is the complete list of these ten Pillars ...more
Yoga and Meditation - Questions and Answers are mostly internal and usually apparent only to the practitioner.Q. How is yoga just the stopping of thoughts in the mind? Is that all there is to it?A. No. It is much more sophisticated than that. It is also pretty technical, but there is no avoiding that.“Yoga is the suppression of the modifications of the chitta,” is the beginning statement of the Yoga Sutras as w...more
More about the Religious Impasse of Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement"
... holocausts, which have occurred globally. Wars over religion plague our history, and make fools of us all, as we never seem to learn from past mistakes.Yet, this mentality of intolerance of others does not exist within Yoga. Yoga manages to adapt and evolve without causing harm to anyone. Yoga can peacefully co-exist beside any religion.Most western trained Yoga teachers...more


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