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Yoga Classes or Yoga DVDs - Which Is Best To Start With
...ifferent exercises and breathing techniques. Although they can be great in the sense that you can practise in the comfort of your own home and fit yoga around your usual routine, a good teacher can make a huge difference in how well you succeed. DVDs and videos are great as supplementary materials later on when you are more confident and have learnt and received guidance from a teacher.Ther...more
How Yoga Reduces An Individual's Stress
...and sustained tension once in their life. This can have drastic effects on happiness and health.Sustained stress for long periods can cause adverse health problems because hormones related to stress are released to your blood stream that over-stimulates a person's metabolism. Your heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and muscle tensions can increase due to str...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Assisting, Demonstrating, and Verbally Cueing
...rained the first Yoga student, there had to be a bonding for the relationship to progress, and for Hatha Yoga to flourish into the many physical Yoga sub-styles, we see to this day.There are times when, despite all the verbal cueing skills imaginable, a Yoga teacher must make a physical assist. No matter what is said, some Yoga students will learn more from a solid assist than by ...more
The Yoga Posture That Nearly Kills Me - But May Save Me when the body is bent backward. It is a boost for the immune system. The nervous system benefits, as Cerebral-Spinal fluids are pumped, resulting in a clearer mind. Back-bends stimulate the lymphatic system by opening the areas where lymph nodes and glands are located. The kidneys and adrenals are squeezed, which cleanses and de-stresses the body.I know that the back...more
Yoga Teacher Tips: More Common Yoga Student Corrections
...ers. Some Yoga students will be injured if they are not cautioned about rolling back on their necks.During your Sun Salutation, or Vinyasa Sequence, where you perform a Monkey posture, which is also known as, “Flat Back,” the body should take the shape of an inverted “L.” The best way to master this posture is to draw, and elongate your spine, in a straight line, parallel to t...more
