
International Society Of Traditional Thai Yoga Mage


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Yoga - Three Reasons You Should Not Do Kapalabhati Pranayama
... after a meal. It is best to practice it after asanas and before meditation.Note: If you start experiencing any pain or dizziness, stop the practice immediately.The Kapalabhati Breathing has tremendous benefits to a practitioner. However, there are some health conditions in which this breathing technique should not be practiced.Three important reason...more
Spiritual Parenting Through the Use of Yoga
...on. With little thought beforehand, parents can build on these positive benefits by interacting with their children and talking about their day. This is a perfect opportunity to create special moments with your child – meaningful, quality moments that will make a lasting impression. By physically stretching with the pose, children can envisio...more
When Does One Become A Yoga Teacher?
...ding Yoga information, and showing your friends Yoga techniques, you have already taken the first step.There is no promise that the journey to become a Yoga teacher will be easy, but it is rewarding. Yoga has much history behind it, but many new chapters are being written at this moment, and many more will be written in the future. The public is always in need of competent and innovati...more
Going Gaga over Yoga
...cles: these are creative processes that balance the body to develop agility, flexibility and strength. Since each pose has a specific physical benefit, the poses in yoga can be done in succession to create heat in the body through movement that will build-up an increase in stamina.Indeed, there are many benefits of practicing yoga, but bear in mind that aside from those known benefits, yoga ...more
The Usefulness Of Yoga Accessories
...u need to place it in your car trunk. Also check the sturdiness and lifespan and it is neither too light nor heavy. For those mindful of the environment, it is essential that it can be recycled or reused.Most of the time, yoga is done barefoot or just with a pair of cotton socks but yoga shoes can provide the comfort that you need. Yoga shoes are different from the...more


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