
Yoga During Pregnancy


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Hurricane Power Outages and Yoga hurricane rather than getting into traffic jams leading out of town only to find yourself 1000 miles away but no hotel rooms available, then it might behoove you to learn yoga.Some people do not like Yoga but that's only because they've never done it before or perhaps they are in fear of bending th...more
The Purpose Of Yoga - Seeing Illusion
...Yoga is constantly changing, so there is no fixed set of rules.For example: Neck rotations, with the head tilted back, have been a traditional practice in Hatha Yoga and martial arts, but the cervical spine is not a “ball and socket” joint.We now know that neck rotations will cause too much friction and will cause premature wear in the cervical spine. We also know that doing this same movement, ...more
Yoga For Insomnia
...ersonal life matters.Yoga's main focus is creating balance within the body and mind. Yoga also focuses on the present moment. This is especially true of yogic breathing exercises (Pranayama). With steady Pranayama practice, most stress, which keeps people from falling asleep, or wakes them up in the middle of the night, is over.Regular exercise, of any sort, ...more
Yoga - One Size Doesn't Need To Fit All
...he practice anyway. On top of that, take a look at the pictures in any Yoga book and what do you see? Pencil-thin people twisting their bodies into impossible (to you and me...and I DO Yoga) positions. No way!Let's go back to the statement I mentioned. To get to the level where they are selected to pose for pictures for a book, they usually have had to practice for sev...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Order in the Class
... follow along without structure, order, and guidelines, you will be disappointed. It will not take long for “one bad apple” to show up and distract your lesson plan.Here’s an example: You have no rules or official policy in your Yoga classes because you believe adults know how to act. Wrong – Why do you think we have traffic lights? We have speed limi...more


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