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Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
... the ocean and he turned to me with a quizical 'what are you thinking?' expression on his face and right there the teaching, the yoga, emerged. Sitting by the ocean's edge gazing into infinity with the soft ocean breeze brushing against my skin and my sun-kissed arms absorbing the nourishment of this bearer of light, I watched the tide movi...more
Yogic Philosophy
...e feels through the five senses and whatever one thinks through the gross mind is false. Because these are related to the gross world only. People remain in perpetual ignorance and falsity, while religious leaders maintain luxurious lifestyles.The complete Yoga teaches how to enter into total concentration(samadhi), where one realises the Self. This...more
Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 4
...ents of Yoga. Go back to the basics and cultivate prana. Practice positive meditation and positively visualize your future every day.Eat a sattvic diet or eat as close as you can to sattvic. In truth, all Yoga teachers must “walk the talk.” When we decide to become a Yoga teacher, we are supposed to be examples of good mental, physica...more
Chair Yoga for Senior Independence
...dence Until a certain age in life, words like dignity, quality of life, and independence seem to be more suitable for descriptions, or reasons, why independent nations had revolutionary wars, than for senior independence. However, for seniors, these words reflect the need to stay the course of independence.In some cases, our bodies go on existing, while our physical and mental ...more
Office Yoga: Warm Up Exercises for Corporate Yoga
...nd sends nutrients to the cartilage within your joints.One of the most important things to remember is that slow and controlled circular movement for most joints is fine. However, the neck and knees demand special attention. The neck is not a “ball and socket” joint, so it is not designed for excessive friction. Any ...more
