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Yoga in Practice: Helping Negative People (Part 1)
...loved one, who has turned bitter for some reason? You care deeply for this person and want to help.Helping people is an example of selfless service, without seeking a reward of any kind. We also know this as Karma Yoga. Mahatma Gandhi is a classic example of a Karma Yoga practitioner.However, how many of us can be as kind, or as enlightened, as Mahatma Gandhi? You really d...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Designing a Lesson Plan - Part 2
...hers do not include meditation at all. This happens when a Hatha Yoga class is converted into a “fitness only” atmosphere. In truth, this is every Yoga teacher’s prerogative; and some health clubs may not want meditation in Yoga classes.When you are teaching Hatha Yoga, you are teaching mental, physical, and sometimes, spiritual health. M...more
Universal Principles of Yoga: The Law of Karma
...religion?Some would say, “Yes,” but this is a universal Yogic principle within all religions. There is no religion which has exclusive rights to the law of karma, but all religions address karma, in principle, even though the word, “karma,” may not be mentioned. Giving to those in need, without seeking a reward, creates ...more
Dangers of Kundalini Yoga
.... Sri Chinmoy suggests:“If you wish to follow the path of kundalini, my humble advice to you is to first try to awaken the heart center. The heart center is considerably pure. The vital or disturbing emotions will be purified by the opening of this center.”We should also follow the path of Kundalini yoga under the guidance of a q...more
So Should I Do Yoga?
..., Yoga has shown incredible promise in treating and managing many illnesses. Moreover, it facilitates flexibility, and assists in the lubrication of joints, tendons, and ligaments. Many of the poses and positions work to massage the organs, thus stimulating the body's detoxification process.Yoga has a reputation for flexibil...more
