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Yoga for Pain Management and Relief!
...nskrit root word Yug (to join).It is the alignment and harmonizing of body, mind and soul that tends to leave the practitioners, the Yogis and Yoginis in a state of peace, bliss, well-being, and contentment…more or less, depending on their situation!So how is this bliss, peace, well-being and harmony achieved, you may ask? It is achieved...more
Yoga and Meditation
...d to stop the inflow of fresh impurities and then remove the existing impurities to clean the mind. Abhyasa is the one of the practices for purifying the mind. Dhyana is one of the sub practices of abhyasa. This is a stage that the person reaches after practicing concentration for some time. At the start of dhyana, the mind is steadier ...more
Ancient Wisdom in Modern Yoga
...t to scoop up what was once understood by the ancients—the mindful practice of yoga.Mary Dunn, who began yer yoga studies with B.K.S. Iyengar in 1974 and is now senior teacher and director of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York, elaborates: “Yoga deals with timeless questions so it is relevant whether we are speaking of the contemporary world or a historical context.”According to http...more
Yoga Teacher Training
...the world.But Gary is also known as being an outspoken advocate for a revolution in way yoga is taught and practiced in the western world.His viniyoga teacher training emphasizes changing and adapting postures, breathing and sequences to each individual with the intention of creating specific therapeutic effects...more
Yoga and Knee Pain Solution
...cticed with care, yoga posture can contribute to the long-term health of your knees by strengthening your quadriceps, opening your stiff hips, and teaching your body improved alignment and movement patterns that transfer into your everyday activities.Note: It is important to practice yoga with caution. Initially Some yoga...more


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