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How to Improve Your Body, Mind and Spirit By Practicing Hatha Yoga
...w to Improve Your Body, Mind and Spirit By Practicing Hatha Yoga Hatha yoga is a 5000 year old system that is used to improve the health of your body, mind and spirit. Hatha yoga combines the stretching exercises of the asanas. Breathing techniques and mental concentration are included in hatha yoga.T...more
Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
... life is hectic, so one should have a regular routine of life.** Do yoga postures which strengthen the body's natural resistance and helps the body block toxic reactions and strengthens the liver, which boosts the immunity.** Ayuvedic herbal preparations can be very beneficial, and some of the most promising anti-allergy herbs include: turmeric, Picrorhiza kurroa,...more
Modern Benefits from the Ancient Practice of Yoga
... from the traditions, even though they aren't dedicated to the philosophy. The old system of yogis has given way to the yoga instructor.Remember that yoga is no longer connected with any particular religion. This is why people, from different belief structures, have begun to practice. Decades ago, many religions looked upon yoga as som...more
Yoga in Practice: Ajna Chakra
...practice balancing their chakras, while some religious fundamentalists feel this practice borders on witchcraft. However, let’s discuss one chakra that most everyone can identify with.Ajna chakra is referred to as the “third eye” and is sometimes called,”the mind’s eye.” Whether you believe in the existence of chakras, or not, most of us ...more
Yoga in Practice - Solutions for Negativity
...ivors in life become role models for all of us. Their will to survive is founded on a positive attitude.On the other hand, a person who is a natural born pessimist may say, “That will never work.” A negative person must see reality and have a sincere desire to better him or herself. It is true that none of us will change, unless we want to.The motivatio...more
