
Tara Yoga And Meditation Center Spiritual Retreat In The


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Yoga History 101
...ssary to have a full understanding of yoga history in order to fully benefit from your practice. A brief understanding of the history behind yoga, however, may increase your spiritual practice and inspire you to find out more about the tradition behind the discipline.The first writings about yoga were written in Sanskrit in early religious manuscr...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Transformation
...owledge. Due to this constant sharing of ideas, the Yoga teacher and his or her students become healthier, wiser, and spiritually connected.Yoga Teacher Transformations start from the moment you decide to become a Yoga teacher, but they continue as you decide to take a Yoga teacher training course. After the Yoga teacher certifica...more
Yoga for Health and Fitness - The Seven Major Energy Centers (Chakras)
...n for over 5,000 years. The word "Yoga" means "to join or yoke together" - bringing the body and mind together into a harmonious experience. The exercises are designed to apply gentle pressure to the glandular system thereby toning the glands and improving total health. The breathing techniques are based on the principle that the "breath" is the source of life in the...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know about Pranayama?
...e the time to explain the laws of Prana to new students. Prana is more than just air, but proper breathing is the best method for cultivating it. If a new student has difficulty grasping the theory or philosophy of Prana, and Pranayama, at least he or she will learn how to absorb extra oxygen and oxygenate the blood much more efficiently.For all of us, air is the most important resourc...more
Yoga in Thailand
...o prana. There are various meditations that are needed to re program the mind/body so that it does not have the need for food or drink anymore, such as visualizi8ng the kidneys being hydrated etc..Yoga can be used for physical fitness or it can be used as a spiritual practice which aim is to unify all levels of be...more
