
Siddha Yoga Meditation Australia


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Kids Yoga: Stress Management Sessions for Children
...s. The family unit has changed and parents need practical solutions a lot more than criticism or a lecture.Peer pressure in school is much more than just drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. Children are harassed by their peers, over every issue, including the clothes they wear. These days, children are pressured into prete...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating the Seeds of Success
...session, if you want it to be. The choice is really up to you. You can practice your breathing, positive thought, good posture, forgive, pray, be kind, and eat correctly on a daily basis. You do not have to do all of these tasks at once.You decide what you can do during the course of a day, but realize that you do not need a Yoga mat to do it. Within Yoga practic...more
Winter Fit
...he abs (abs, oblique and core muscles). 12-20 reps each; repeat this cycle 2-3xs.”30 minute workout:“If you have 30 minutes a day to dedicate to fitness try the same routine as above but add a cardio interval between each exercise. For example, push ups, jumping jacks, dips, jump rope, squats, squat thrusts, lunges, high knees, holding the plank position, mountain climbers...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating the World From Within
... of ways.Notice the keywords, “you could help.” Instant millionaires need to learn how they can help. There are some lottery winners who become instant millionaires and many of them end up “broke,” within a short span of time. Many times the saying, “Easy come, easy go” applies to life.People who instantly obtain wealth and power,...more
The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Yoga Business
... Some thriving Yoga businesses actually contribute to many charities, help the community, and spread the word of living a quality life.Personally, quality Yoga teachers are hard to come by, and studios should prepare for “seasonal slow downs.” Below is some advice I recently gave a Yoga teacher who is very skilled, but was permane...more


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