
Music For Yoga Meditation And Other Joys


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Teaching Peace in Yoga Class
...rved students struggling to make their posture look like the photo in Iyengar’s Light on Yoga? Encourage students to find their own equilibrium and harmony in a pose, that state where peace exists. Yoga is not about the shape of the posture, rather the feeling of peace being cultivated in the body.Consider the types of poses that you are teaching. Restorative poses such as legs ...more
Yoga - More than the "Aerobics of India"
...ected to yoga? The concept of the pilates exercise systems has really taken off in the last few years. Pilates and yoga movements are uniquely combined to create a powerful, yet relaxing workout promoting strength, body awareness, flexibility, and focus. Pilates is followed by restorative yoga, an inwardly directed class meant to re...more
Yoga Proving Popular for Kids
...un. Often the children will pretend to be the animal for which the pose is named. Kids are encouraged to fully participate in and enjoy the ‘game of yoga.’ Sometimes an instructor will create an entire story about the poses that the kids are in so as to make the class interesting and to fully engage ...more
Yoga is the Perfect Exercise
... to clear the mind and the same time it exercises the body. By concentrating fully on the exercise and breathing, the troubles just seem to melt away. It is hard to worry about your stress and problems when you are deeply concentrating on your breathing.Yoga also gets rid of your bodily toxins, by increasing the oxygen flow to the body through the brea...more
Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga
...r non-harmingSatay - truthfulnessAsteya - nonstealingBrahmacharya - Godlike conductAparigraha - non-clinging/non-attachmentNiyamasThese five practices address our own appearance, deeds and thoughts, and govern our relationship with ourselves:Shauca - cleanliness, purity, hygiene, groomingSantosha- happiness, contentmentTapas - yearning for reunion with GodSvadyaya- introspec...more
