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Feel Great with Bikram Yoga
...may find it difficult at first unless you are in good shape and have a high tolerance for heat. It might be a good idea to begin with Hatha Yoga first and then move on to Bikram Yoga. Once you have mastered Hatha Yoga, you can be fairly certain you are ready for Bikram Yoga.Once you reach the point that you feel you are ready to begin Bikram ...more
Yoga For Interviews - Get The Job You Want!
...portant meeting. Own yourself. That is the question. The mistake many people make is that they think the interview process is almost like a stage for selling slaves. They will say and do anything to "get" the job. You really need to think about your life and what you are really fit for will come to you. It will be a piece of cak...more
Yoga - The Facts
...of Hatha Yoga and good if you want to lose weight, improve flexibility and strength.Vinyasa: Similar to Ashtanga, this style has lots of movement and a variety of poses and stretching. Great if you want a bit more of a workout.Hard:Iyengar: Another form of Hatha Yoga. It encourages the use of Yoga props to perfect poses. It's harder than other forms a...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Limits of Yoga Students
...ific Yoga postures (asanas).Sorry to say, the adult Yoga student who still continues to push the physical body too far, after repeated warnings, from his or her Yoga teacher, needs a "baby sitter." You may have to talk to a competitive Yoga student, in private, and express realistic concerns about potential injury, which can re...more
Yoga and Meditation Meets Science - Anatomy of Yoga of yoga and meditation to be able to satisfy our own minds and more important, any skeptics out there, why yoga and meditation has an impact on your mind and body.I just finished reading "Anatomy of Hatha Yoga" by H David Coulter, and let me say, this was a perfect level of explanation and detail that helps me to better understand (in lay man's terms) how the var...more
