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What Are the Benefits of Yoga?
...ower, not strength, and asks for temperance in eating, drinking of alcoholic beverages, and particularly in smoking, and most importantly calls for a happily balanced state of mind. Statistics reveal that long-lasting folks are those of contented mind, because the mind doesn't grow old with the physical structure if the corr...more
10 Ways To Prevent Middle Age Spread
...rdinary tea. 5.Do YogaMiddle aged men or women who practice yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week gained less weight than those who don't practice yoga.6.Change your snacksSwap sugary snacks for a small handful of unsalted Brazil nuts, pumpkin sunflower seeds or dried fruit.7. Count on CalciumA recent study in the American Dietetic Association showed t...more
Raja Yoga – Gaining Complete Control of Mind for Deep Meditation of mindDhyana: meditation (quiet and non-sensual activity that leads to samadhi)Samadhi; the quiet state of blissful awareness, superconscious stateIt must be remarked that although called eight-limbed, it is really a Royal Road to self-realization, with each limb leading into the next, ending with the goal, or Samadhi (and ...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Arthritis
...udents may have limited flexibility or may not be able to kneel. Remind them that overcoming difficulties, while accepting your capabilities, is an essential part of yoga. Yoga is not about competition; this should be a core value already present in your instruction.Single leg raises, shoulder stretches, and neck exercises, are a good start to get the student ready for mor...more
Yoga - Breathing Correctly A Simple Exercise To Help You Feel Better Instantly!
... a necessary dose of oxygen, but we also receive life energy at the same time, that acts as an energy boost to the whole body.Breathing correctly to energize your bodyThe 20th century Yoga Master, Paramhamsa Yogananda taught through his organization, the Self-Realization Fellowship, a series of re-ene...more
