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Why Does the Western Public Desire Pilates?
...atha Yoga, which is union through physical mastery, is a complete health maintenance system for mind, body, and spirit. Pilates is an “off shoot” of Hatha Yoga, but it is a unique, complex, and extremely complete “exercise system.”Therefore, most forms of Hatha Yoga are not simply exercise classes. A complete health maintenance system, such as Hatha Yog...more
Osteoarthritis-Management With Yoga
...due to the emotional and physical disturbances when settled in the joints give rise to OA.Yoga tries to the manage this degenerative disease by including all spheres viz., physical-mental-moral-spiritual in the following manner.** Stressed life, worries, tiredness, disturbed sleep leads to a state of improper digestion and yoga helps one to overcom...more
Yoga: Ancient Wisdom for Today's Health
...eating when hungry, not famished and including at least two snacks. Foods to eat on a daily basis and the foundation of the diet are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. This diet goes hand-in-hand with a program of physical activity directed toward flexibility and strength, as is the yoga "diet”.Conclusion On a recent Oprah show, Dr. Roizen indicated that...more
The Qualities of a Great Yoga Teacher
...I can find a good yoga teacher?” And if your ready to begin practicing yoga and asking that question yourself, your smart to do so.Having a good teacher is very important to your growth and progress on your yoga path. There are lots of things that occur along the way, changes associated with physical, energetic, and spiritua...more
Yoga - An Ancient Cure For Modern Illness the yoga teachings in ever growing numbers as more people are starting to realize that there are big problems with the balance of their lifestyle and they are starting to find that the pleasures that they have been chasing in the form of more and more material possessions isn't delivering the fulfillment that they desire.The ...more


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