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What Should You do With a Yoga Book?
... many books to read, which were not accessible to many of us a few decades ago. Some Yoga texts have been in existence for thousands of years, but local libraries did not have much on the topic of Yoga.At that time, we did not have VCR’s, DVD’s, Internet access, e-Books, MP3 Downloads, or Yoga audio books.So, what did we do? When w...more
Ten Reasons to Attend a Yoga Retreat
...will leave inspired to make healthy improvements to your diet.(3) The Yoga Imagine an entire weekend of yoga classes especially designed for your retreat. A yoga retreat allows ample time for extended yoga practice. Often you will receive more hours of yoga instruction during a retreat than a whole session of weekly yoga c...more
Hatha Yoga - Get Physical!
.../she choose? Exactly what are the benefits of each type of Yoga form? Well, you can't go far wrong with 'Hatha Yoga'. It is very much like normal Yoga, involving:1. Stretches and poses.2. Can bring relief from stress and anxiety.3. It will help you to achieve greater levels of concentration.4. For ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Stress Coping Solutions for Survival down” physically, mentally, and emotionally.Being late can cause us to feel like we live in a helpless “rat race.” The mind begins to race as we collectively think, “I might be late and my job is on the line.” The constant emotional turmoil, created from similar situations, will shorten our lives, unless we find inner solutions for tranquility.Yoga classes should contain v...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Benefits of Yoga Practice
...lve postures, but there are exceptions, and there are many different sequences.Some forms of Power, Vinyasa, and Flow Yoga, connect movement in a similar fashion. Anyone who has practiced these forms of Yoga can attest to the aerobic value. Yet, some studies will question this, because Hatha Yoga is not a high impact exercise. All forms of Yogic exercise respect, and safely work, to preserv...more
