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What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? - Part 2
...However, most obesity can be found within industrialized nations, where the lust that may kill most people, is over consumption of food.Therefore, we should strive to be moderate in eating, drinking, sex, Internet use, consumerism, computer games, television, and our behavior. With that said, the use of any illegal dru...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Peacefully Co-Existing With Others
...itive results of your efforts will come back thousands of times. Every time mankind has “peace talks,” a little progress is made.Tolerance: Unfortunately, there has always been a shortage of tolerance. Human beings have made a habit of killing the Enlightened, the Prophets, and the Saints. Use your best judgment and listen to your heart....more
An Objective View of Yoga
... physical aspects of Yoga, if they want to keep their students. This is why many people get an incomplete picture of a complete health maintenance system for the three aspects of mind, body, and spirit. All three aspects of health are of equal importance, but the physical aspect is more easily realized.Whether you are a beginner, long...more
Yoga Helps You Lower Blood Pressure
...essure.It is very helpful in the treatment of hypertension the yoga lifestyle, which can really help you lower blood pressure. Yoga exercises, called asanas, involve stretching and moving the body into various positions. During these exercises any tightness or tension observed in the body should be consciously relaxed....more
The Mind – Body - Spirit Connection to Good Health Through Yoga
...ions in your life. By adding just 30-minutes of Yoga to your daily routine can improve your health ten-fold. Many who start Yoga after 50 discover that they sleep better, eat less, are happier, more productive and stronger than they have been in a long time.Of course, Yoga is great at any age, but when trying to improve on longevity and...more


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