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Designing a Plan to Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 2
...cise program by learning a dozen or two dozen asanas, and not much beyond this. The fact is, Yoga is much more than an exercise program. Yoga is the most complete health maintenance system known to mankind, with a lineage of thousands of years. Whole health needs to be addressed by much more than an exercise program.On-site training is not cheap and can vary fr...more
The Benefits of Practicing Yoga
...ting math problems.Yoga is the coming together and oneness of body and mind. It is the consolidation of the movement (positions) and the breathing that makes the body tense and relax leading to the calmness of mind and spirit. Effectively done, it makes your whole being refreshed and rejuvenated. Yoga also gives you t...more
The Restorative Pose
...mptom or disease is exasperated and possibly created by stress has a When we are stressed the body contracts so that the cells do not get the nourishment and oxygen that they need. The muscles contract and can become stiff and painful. A classic example is developing a stiff and sore neck and shoulders as a re...more
Keep on Laughing – Inside the World of Laughter Yoga!
... every time.A group can develop their own unique Laughter Exercise to make the session more interesting and playful. Ideally, a group of 15-20 persons makes a good dynamic for an infectious Laughter Session. More people always help to create a better impact, but even 5-10 people can have a good Laughter Session, if they are committed. Each Laughter Exercise lasts for 30-45 s...more
Healthy Weight Loss-3 Ways To Enhance Your Health And Wellbeing
...e stress relief methods which doesn’t take effort but the benefits are priceless.Yoga is another well known technique. Yoga is about balance and flexibility and getting in touch with yourself. It allows you a spiritual journey whilst at the same time burning some calories. Yoga is more of a work out than most people think but in a more relaxed setting. It’s not only for the experts anyone can d...more
