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The Benefits of Yoga – Yoga for All
...creates a balance between the body and mind. Yoga helps in internal as well as external strength. It balances the yin and yang. Yoga teaches about healthy body and healthy mind. Good health means calm mind.The balance between mind, body and soul is established by yoga. Yoga was developed thousands of years ago ...more
A Short History of Yoga
...6th and 17th century, this kind of yoga grew in popularity and was strongly influenced by Tantric principles.The spread of yoga in the West can be partly attributed to such spiritual figures as Swami Vivekananda and Paramhansa Yogananda, who first awakened the interest of Western seekers in Eastern philosophy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with their expositions of jnan...more
Yoga Can Enhance Your Exercise Program and Your Life
...its benefits in your everyday life, and to master the skills involved in yoga.Yoga not only helps out your exercise routine, it can also drastically improve your overall well-being. It has been known to alleviate back pain and to improve sinus health. It can also help increase emotional stability because endorphins are released in the brain that can help with anxi...more
How To Lose Belly Fat Using Yoga
...our legs so that only your stomach is touching the floor. Once you have made a circle with your body you need to hold this position for thirty seconds and then slowly release.Paad PashchimottanasanTo perform this exercise you need to first lie on your back with your legs straight and arms extended into the air in front of you. Once all of your limbs are extended from head to...more
Yoga and Diabetes
... to maximize the health advantages from yoga. Recent findings reveal the many positive effects that yoga has on diabetes.Yoga cannot "cure" diabetes, but there are several ways yoga can be beneficial in controlling diabetes. If medically prescribed regimens are followed by diabetic students, they can safely add yog...more


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