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Yoga, Is It For You? Some Of Your Questions Answered
...e postures or positions. You will feel the difference soon enough and your wish to keep this feeling will most likely have you doing regular sessions daily.Learning the correct way to breathe is as important as learning the postures. So when you first start, take it slowly and learn the whole process.You may think you are not flexible so will not be able to do yoga. Th...more
Yoga for All
... through exercises and as a matter of fact exercise rarely harms the body.But there is an issue which needs to be emphasized, yoga though is simple to practice yet it demands expert professional who could teach and aid an individual to calm his body or mind.Yoga in comparison to other alternative medicines is considered as a most harmless and fruitful therapy and this word of mouth should be sprea...more
Office Yoga - Corporate Yoga for the Office
...ion toward health solutions for employees – thus, increasing productivity, while decreasing sick time, tardiness, and medical leave.Office Yoga creates an atmosphere of decreased anxiety, less stress, positive thinking, and raises morale. Nothing is more rewarding than feeling worthy and being treated with respect. Any small company can take such action by installi...more
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Sitting Forward Bend
...l yourself forward using your shoulders and arms you will create the tension through your body and you will end up tightening your muscles and this will not allow you to get into the posture any quicker. While doing this asana give some time for the muscles to stretch and to release the tension. Often, because of tightness in the back of the legs many students do not go very far forward. F...more
What Exactly is a Yoga Swing?
...of your yoga routine but it can also be a great source of recreation for both adults and kids. Whether you are just beginning to learn about yoga, or you are a veteran you should certainly consider adding a swing to your workout routing. It will immediately have a dramatic effect on your workout. It gives you the ability to accentuate all the postures and positions which in turn stren...more
