
Yoga Teacher Certification Registry


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Free Yoga Classes: A Lesson for Yoga Teachers to your kindness, with repeat business.This is all well, and good, but the major fast food chains seem to be the only businesses to profit from it. Maybe that is why we call it “junk food.”The public cannot establish a perceived value of Yoga, when you initially give away a week or month. The word “Free” is often associa...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Sciatica
...o alleviate symptoms.Yoga has many poses (asanas). With proper guidance asanas can relieve pain. The pigeon pose helps to open the hips and stretch the muscle in the gluteal region, the piriformis muscle. Both the locust pose and the cobra pose effective stretch the sciatic area, improving circulation and lifting pressure.All students should be continuously encouraged to listen to the...more
12 Step Yoga Therapy, As Easy As Breathing
...following is a series of yoga breathing exercises that will only take you about six minutes to complete and yet you will feel an improvement in your energy level. A word of warning, this exercise should not be performed by anyone suffering from cervical problems.To start your yoga therapy breathing exercises.1. Start by resting your arms on the sides. 2. Rotate your shoulders...more
Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 2
...tirement. Do you really want to taste much poverty or any at all? Each time you take payments, for teaching Yoga sessions, remember your family.A side note about poverty: If you have tasted it once in your life, you don’t want to taste it again. I found nothing particularly enlightening about going to bed on an empty stomach as a child. ...more
Valentine's Day Every Day - The Spirit Of Bhakti Yoga
...nd unconditional love. Bhakti Yoga teaches us that in order for love to flow in our lives, we must begin with unconditional love for ourselves, and then extend our hearts open to embrace others.Loving PracticeWe can cultivate and strengthen the flow of love in our heart by thinking beyond viewing love as romancing...more
