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Yoga Meditation 101: Breath Awareness and Posture
...of Yoga meditation will occur through focused observance and non-effort.Breath awareness meditation is the first method, which I teach to beginning meditation students, and to students of Yoga. A beginner Yoga student can easily grasp the concepts of breath awareness and realize the deeper benefits of meditation.Drawing the spine, into the straightest line possible, is the first goal, becau...more
Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 1
...d Yoga teacher? Who regulates Yoga?In many parts of the world Yoga teacher credentialing is a new phenomenon. Yoga teachers had very small groups of loyal students and Yoga was not a mainstream activity. This same lack of credentialing still occurs within Tai Chi and some of the Chinese martial arts. The belief among some...more
Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 1
...he arms overhead. Exhale while bending the hips, and bring the arms forward and down until they touch the floor. Either grasp the ankles or just leave the hands on the floor and breathe several times.The Cobra/ Bhujangasana:This exercises stretches the spine, strengthens the back and arms and opens the chest and heart....more
Yoga: Truth about Your Health body we will not be able to cross the known frontiers, that is to increase our perception and build character, yoga is ideal for this. The qualities to unlocking the potential of human body and mind are purity and sensitivity. Not only do they just help us becoming a better person but also help our surrounding environment. On the other hand we should avoid the rigidit...more
How to Find the Right Yoga Teacher?
...l respect? Can you ask a question during class time?Does your teacher show compassion for you and other students? Does your Yoga teacher take the time to lead you through a guided meditation or relaxation? Meditation and relaxation are major aspects of Yoga practice.There are Yoga teachers who just want to get "their workout" done. Beware of Yoga teachers, who a...more
