
Yoga Pilates Mats


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Can Yoga Cure Obesity?
... of mind and builds your focus and health. It also reduces the stiffness in your body thus making it more flexible.One of the most common problems faced by this generation is obesity. Today, obesity is being cured with many advanced techniques like gastric bypass surgery, diet pills and squeezing the size of stomachs. For a ...more
Get a New Lease on Life and Create Peace
...tion and practice a short minute of breathing. Then, take pen to paper and write down all the thoughts you had. This gives you a snapshot of the mind's activities. Stuff you are wasting energy on. Every thought you have is an energy drain if it is not a positive thought. These thoughts deplete ...more
Yoga - A Solution for Depression - Grab Your Yoga Mat & Do Inverted Yoga Poses
...tand, for example, helps regulate the thyroid. Correcting under-activity or over-activity of the thyroid helps maintain calmness and weight. The shoulder stand is also known to eliminate congestion in the lower abdomen, reduce varicose veins, shrink hemorrhoids and aid constipation (which can cause depression).It is important for people who suffer from depre...more
Yoga for Pain
...apy, and Tri-Yoga. Please keep in mind that these styles will vary according to the Yoga teacher’s interpretation of the style’s principles.In which cases would Yoga not be advisable for students in severe pain? Sometimes, physicians do not recommend Yoga in cases of severe pain, such as in the case of extremely severe arthritis. T...more
Yoga in Practice: In Search of the Perfect Yoga - Part 3
... complete potential.However, I am getting on in years, and do not have the desire to teach the intolerant, or those who already know everything. My answer to this student is: You are right, and please stay with your current Guru.It should come as no surprise that, very often, the student who says he or he already knows...more
